Scar Camouflage

Skin repigmentation, Micropigmentation, or Scar Camouflage can benefit those who have skin color loss/de-pigmentation that has happened from trauma scars, medical procedures, burns, congenital anomalies, or other skin abnormalities. Usually, multiple sessions yield the best results.

Color Matching

Skin varies person to person, and it varies on each part of the body. That is why it is important to mix each color individually before tattoo implantation.


For best results, it is best to do your tattoo in layers over several sessions. This is because we don’t want to implant too much pigment at once. This would make the tattoo too saturated and opaque, instead we do lighter layers to mimic the effect of skin.

*A consultation is recommended before your appointment to ensure that this is a beneficial procedure for you*

Picture 1: Vitiligo Client right before session.

Picture 2: Immediately after session (Redness and Swelling will subside over the next few days)

Because of the nature of Vitiligo, and other types of scars, several sessions are necessary for most natural/ best results.

This client is recommended to come in for one more session about 8+ weeks later, after the pigment has had proper time to settle, and we can come in and tattoo some final details and touch ups to make it seemless with the surrounding skin. Tattoo pigment tends to darken during the early healing process and will lighten and fade to its intended color as the area heals.